The olive cuff is captivating ensemble inspired by the ancient Egyptian deity Horus, prevalent in the pharaonic era. The eye of Horus, a symbol representing protection and royal power, finds...
The olive cuff is captivating ensemble inspired by the ancient Egyptian deity Horus, prevalent in the pharaonic era. The eye of Horus, a symbol representing protection and royal power, finds...
Product details Sterling silver Handcrafted by Egyptian artisans Made with recycled silver Care Avoid direct content with perfume Use the cloth provided to polish your jewels Always carry on your...
Product details Sterling silver Handcrafted by Egyptian artisans Made with recycled silver Care Avoid direct content with perfume Use the cloth provided to polish your jewels Always carry on your...
Product details Sterling silver. Handcrafted by Egyptian Artisans Made with recycled silver Care Avoid direct content with perfume Use the cloth provided to polish your jewels Always carry on your...
Product details Sterling silver & 18k gold Handcrafted by Egyptian artisans Made with recycled silver Care Avoid direct content with perfume Use the cloth provided to polish your jewels Always...
PRODUCT DETAILS Sterling silver Measurements width 6 Weight: 20 grams CARE Avoid direct content with perfume Use a special silver cloth to polish your jewels Always carry on jewelry during...
PRODUCT DETAILS Sterling silver Measurements: width 1/2 cm 1/8 inch Weight: 11 grams CARE Avoid direct content with perfume Use a special silver cloth to polish your jewels Always carry...